Shocked tourists who camped out at night - wake up to see Lions licking the outer part of their tent


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Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Shocked tourists who camped out at night - wake up to see Lions licking the outer part of their tent

Francie Francisca Lubbe and her partner who were on holiday, set up a tent to pass the night in the Mabuasehube game reserve, Botswana. They did and woke up to the shock of their lives. It had rained overnight and when they opened their eyes in the morning, they saw a number of lionesses outside, licking the dew off the sides of their flimsy tent and also wandering about.

They were able to stabilize themselves and remain calm and thankfully the two animals seemed more interested in licking the dew off the sides of their tent rather than attacking them. See more photos below...

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