Child Marriage and the Silent Nigeria - Abigail Ocheibi


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Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Child Marriage and the Silent Nigeria - Abigail Ocheibi

Abigail is a freelance journalist. Read her article below... 
Historically, child marriage can be traced to the year 1533 or even prior, when Princess Emilia of Saxony married George the Pious Margrave of Brandburg-Anstback at the age of 16 while George was 48 years old. This practice continued unquestioned for many centuries. In Nigeria for instance, it was common (still common) for a girl-child to be betrothed at or before puberty.
Some for religious reasons, others due to poverty, political reasons and cultural among eons of other reasons.

With more social, political, economic and religious knowledge and exposures that came with the 20th century, this practice began to be questioned and gained the attentions of authorities from different walks of life. Thus, a lot of researches and findings on child marriage.
Now the question is, what is the ideal marriageable age? And this is why I have to limit my work to Nigeria as a nation since there is no universally acceptable marriageable age due to factors such as jurisdictions, parental consents, traditions, circumstances and socio-economic factor among others.
In Nigeria, the Child Rights Act of 2003 sets 18 years-old as age of marriage. However, only few States out of the 36 States of the country have adopted this act due to the above mentioned factors and more. Then I ask, what are Nigerians doing about this?
Child marriage affects both boys and girls but the level of damage caused by this practice to the girl-child is incomparable as girls are more vulnerable. Thus, I am focusing majorly on the girl-child.
Again, the issue at hand is broad enough to discourage readership if all should be put down in ink. So I will be brief.
According to World Health Organization (WHO), “thirty-nine thousand (39,000) child marriages take place every day”. Therefore, it is safe to say more than 140 million girls will marry between 2011 and 2020. 
From whatever perspective you view it, girl child marriage is totally a violation of human right! Again I ask, should we fold our hands and watch our daughters, sisters, cousins, friends or neighbours suffer this draining practice?
To think that the Nigerian Senate recently refused a bill, seeking gender equality in marriage (sigh)! It’s unimaginable! 
·        “Girls who marry young are vulnerable to physical violence and sexual abuses than those who marry later.

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  • ” (WHO: 2013).
    ·        Again, child marriage threatens the health and life of the girl-child.
    ·        Teen pregnancy, particularly below age 16, increases risk of death during child birth as their pelvises and birth canals are not fully developed.
    ·        Since child marriage is more prevalent in developing countries such as ours, there is 50% possibility of our “girl-brides” dying of OBSTETRIC FISTULA due to poverty.
    ·        What about the educational setbacks that comes with child marriage?
    ·        What about the untold daily agony of such victims with great potentials, talents and gifts where they probably had envisioned a brighter future and a fulfilled life yet can’t reach it?
    Oh wait! My opinion? Ok.  It’s inhuman to subject a child to an unhealthy life, deprived education, lack of social exposure, sexual abuses and most importantly, SELF DISCOVERY! Because if there is anything that God emphatically allows us to enjoy as humans is FREE WILL! Why deprive others of same? Really there is no reason whatsoever worth the risks of girl-child marriage.
    For more materials, references and questions on this, reach me via;
    Instagram --@ocheibi_bigail
    Twitter --@iamcudie

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