Man is buried alive by wife, friends and family for three days to raise awareness for addiction and depression sufferers


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Thursday, 2 March 2017

Man is buried alive by wife, friends and family for three days to raise awareness for addiction and depression sufferers

Everyday you hear a new one. The latest is the story of John Edwards who allowed himself to be buried by his friends and family so as to raise awareness for those suffering from addiction and depression.
John chose Ash Wednesday to be 'laid to rest' because that is the start of lent and the day on which Christians are encouraged to die to self.Just before being buried, John who was formerly an addict kissed his wife goodbye then was lowered into the coffin placed under the streets of Belfast, outside Willowfield Parish Church after which the lid was placed and dirt poured on it.
From the grave, John will be live streaming advice to addicts and those suffering from depression and broadcasting stories of hope. Broadband internet and electronics were fixed in the coffin to make it possible for him to communicate online with people. While
The former addict founded the charity Walking Free, which helps people who are suicidal and those with addiction. He will live stream help and advice to addicts from inside his coffin.
"I'm a former addict and I've been clean and sober for 25 years. I'm making a very large coffin, I'm burying it in East Belfast and I'm going to live in it for three days," John told Belfast Live prior to his burial. 
“I know this is a radical move but people are continually contacting me who are either suicidal or who know friends or family who are. My plan is to speak to them from the grave before they get there and show them hope.”
More photos below. ..

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