Welcome to the 'Events' page of Linda Ikeji Social


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Friday, 9 December 2016

Welcome to the 'Events' page of Linda Ikeji Social

Have you ever sat to ponder which event you would like to attend, especially this festive season? Just standing on your own feet in a concrete jungle like Lagos generates enough stress on its own. Sometimes you just want to step out of the house, get some fresh air. But where to go?

Worry no more! Linda Ikeji Social ‘Events’ page has got a crunch of all kinds of events, packaged by the most influential and the most popular running from now till the end of the year. All you have to do is pick and click. No more drab and dull evenings/weekends Wow. Let’s go have a peek.

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  • i.                 First, Sign in towww.lindaikejisocial.com. If you have created an account, SIGN IN with your USERNAME AND PASSWORD. If you do not have an account click on ‘Create one for free’ to create an account. Enter your sign up details and you will get a verification email. Go to your email account to verify your new LIS account. Once verified you would gain access to SIGN IN with your USERNAME and PASSWORD.
    ii.                So you just logged into your account on LIS. Now you are on your wall. Just scroll down the functions tab items on the left side of your device screen. It is the 20th item and lies between ‘Deals’ and ‘Advertise’.
    iii.               Just click on the ‘Events’ tab and voila! It launches you to the most exciting and most colorful catalogue of events billed from date to the end of the year – and beyond. From dog fashion shows to beauty pageants and musical concerts there are all kinds of events to pick from.
    iv.               Click on the ‘View Events Details’ tab under each event’s banner to view full details of each event. It is as simple as that.

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