New Method to Graduate with first class in University


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Tuesday, 29 November 2016

New Method to Graduate with first class in University

How to graduate with first class in University

 Starting from which ever course you have enrolled in for your graduate degree, you can graduate with first class in the University and there is no doubt about that.
If one has enrolled himself/herself in the course of his/her interest, then the job of graduating with first class is quiet easy. As when a person is having interest in whatever he is atudying, he will give his 100% in learning, he will understand the course in practical terms and eventually passing examinations with first class will not be a tough job for him as his basics are clear and he can portray whatever he has studied very well.

 In case, if one is finding some subjects or his course not so interested, but he still has to do that, there is no need to dishearten yourself, you can still graduate with first class. All you need to do is follow the points listed below

  1. Make up your mind.

First step is to make up your mind that you really want to graduate with first class in the University. Once you have made up your mind to graduate with first class, the journey towards the goal becomes little smooth.
2. Make up concrete plan.
 The second step is to make up concrete plan to achieve your goal. There is a saying also, “with a great plan, half work is already done.” Give yourself enough time to study, else if you are planning to study at last moment only, you will get panic attacks, and whatever amount you would be able to study for the examination, only 20%-30% will be retained. And you will be delivering even less than that in your examination.So strategize everything, how much time you need to devote to which subject. Don’t leave difficult subjects/topics to study at last moment. If on day one you are studying tough subject, on the day two, devote half time to easy topics and then carry forward with the difficult. This will help you to balance and you won’t get tired of studying. It’s good to start studying on regular basis from the start of session.
3.Use flowcharts and diagrams
While studying use flowcharts and diagrams to learn things. If your studying subject like history, there are hardly any diagrams, but with the help of flowcharts you can remember your chapter in a story manner. You can paste cue cards, tables and flowcharts on your study space so you can have a look at it from time to time.

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  • 4. Take regular breaks While studying,
    it’s important to take regular breaks. After studying for specific time or convering a chapter, you can take a break of 10-15 minutes or depending upon the need and after that you can continue studying with fresh mind.
    5. Healthy mind and Healthy body
    You also need to have healthy mind and healthy body. For the same, take a proper diet and you can practice meditation or go for an evening walk. 6-8 hours sound sleep is also must. So, plan according to that.
    6. Delivering your best After all the study and preparations,
    it is also must to attempt your examination in an appropriate manner.So remember to write clearly, use blue ink for text, black ink for headings. Use pencil to draw the diagrams and flowcharts properly. Write in points and do create headings and subheadings.And finally you will graduate with first class all it takes to suceed is pure  Hardwork,  determination  and Favour.

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