Publisher of Genevieve Magazine, Betty Irabor took to Instagram to write
about her encounter with single mothers at a recent event where she
spoke about being raised by a single mom.
"Oh the emotions! Spent time out of my bubble yesterday to feel the agony, the pain, the discrimination and stigma of single moms. Tears flowed freely as these phenomenal women shared stories of their escape from abusive marriages and life as widows and unmarried mothers.
The stories of landlords who brand them prostitutes and won't offer them tenancy. Shared my story of being raised by a single mom and the struggle and triumph of becoming who I am. Thank you "Single Moms" Deola and her team for the love and platform offered these hurting women to begin their journey towards their healing and taking charge of their lives. We all need to empower these women, they need jobs, mentors, funding for their businesses, school fees and a lot of love NOT STIGMA!"
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