The American couple who were caught having sex in public fined by Thai police and made to apologise (photos)


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Friday, 29 July 2016

The American couple who were caught having sex in public fined by Thai police and made to apologise (photos)

After a video of a couple engaged in oral sex on a Phi Phi street in Thailand, went viral, (read here) they were arrested, charged with indecent exposure and presented them to the press
The 21-year-old American woman, named as Miss B, an exchange student at a university in Chiang Mai and her partner in crime referred to only as Mr A, sat looking very sheepish throughout.
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    The horny couple made their apologies, said they were ashamed and regretted what they did before handing over 2,000 baht each in fines for charges of indecent exposure and committing an indecent act
    The pair admitted they were drunk at the time of the public 'indecent act'. Proceedings were rounded off with both saying sorry to the people of Thailand for bringing shame.

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