Interested in studying in the UK? Bangor University is the right option...
Established in 1884, Bangor University in Wales is one of the oldest and most prestigious degree-awarding institutions in the UK. It is ranked amongst the
Top 2% of Universities in the world, Top 10 University for Teaching
quality, 2nd in the UK for courses and lecturers, Top 15 for student
experience and No 1 for student accommodation.
The Most inexpensive places to live in the UK. Bangor University has an International recognition for being a research-led university with an international recognition.
The following Colleges at Bangor University are open to all international students:
• Business, Law, Education and Social Sciences This includes: Accounting/Banking/Finance, Islamic Banking and Finance, international Business, International Media Management Graduate LLB, Human Right Law, Law and Management, Maritime Law/Law of the sea, Sociology, Social Policy etc.
• Health and Behavioural sciences This includes: Medical Sciences, Healthcare Sciences, Psychology, Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences etc.
• Arts And Humanities This includes: Creative studies, Media and Film, English Literature, Music, Philosophy and Religion, linguistics and English Language etc.
• Natural Sciences This includes: Ocean Sciences, Biological Sciences, Environment, Natural Resources and Geography etc.
• Physical And Applied Sciences This includes Chemistry, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering etc.
For more details register here :
Bangor University in-country Representative
British Canadian International Education Ltd (BCIE)
Address: Valley View Plaza, 3rd floor, 99 Opebi Road Ikeja Lagos.
Phone number: 08060136178, 01-3427672
The Most inexpensive places to live in the UK. Bangor University has an International recognition for being a research-led university with an international recognition.
• We offer a range of BSC, MSC, LLB, LLM and PHD programmes that are tailored to equip students with the knowledge required in an increasingly global workplace.
• The Business School’s newly launched CFA-pathway will offer additional career opportunities for Masters students on graduationOur Scholarship of 2000-5000 pounds is still available for those interested in Starting their programmes with us this SEPT 2016.
The following Colleges at Bangor University are open to all international students:
• Business, Law, Education and Social Sciences This includes: Accounting/Banking/Finance, Islamic Banking and Finance, international Business, International Media Management Graduate LLB, Human Right Law, Law and Management, Maritime Law/Law of the sea, Sociology, Social Policy etc.
• Health and Behavioural sciences This includes: Medical Sciences, Healthcare Sciences, Psychology, Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences etc.
• Arts And Humanities This includes: Creative studies, Media and Film, English Literature, Music, Philosophy and Religion, linguistics and English Language etc.
• Natural Sciences This includes: Ocean Sciences, Biological Sciences, Environment, Natural Resources and Geography etc.
• Physical And Applied Sciences This includes Chemistry, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering etc.
For more details register here :
Bangor University in-country Representative
British Canadian International Education Ltd (BCIE)
Address: Valley View Plaza, 3rd floor, 99 Opebi Road Ikeja Lagos.
Phone number: 08060136178, 01-3427672
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