Homevida and NFVCB train over 1500 students on online safety


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Thursday, 14 July 2016

Homevida and NFVCB train over 1500 students on online safety

In this evolving digital age, how safe are you online? Most importantly, how safe are your kids online? What type of personal information do you share with the people you trust? How do you protect yourself against cyber bullies?

The Nigeria Integrity Film Awards (Homevida) in collaboration with the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) with support from Google, answered these questions and many more at the Safer Internet training of over 1,500 students in Abuja, Lagos and Ibadan in the month of May and June, 2016.

The kids engaged in role play and watched various videos and animations focused around online safety. One of the videos on the lineup was the Homevida short film on cyberbullying "Feisty John". (Click here to watch)
The kids had lots of fun as they designed positive messaging campaigns on Cyberbullying and took selfies with their designs.

It was a fun and educative learning experience with the learners opening up on their personal cyberbullying experiences while committing to becoming webrangers - champions spreading the message of how to remain safe online.

Webrangers is a global initiative which enables young people with requisite knowledge and skills to become online safety ambassadors - spreading the gospel to "Stay Safe Online" through campaigns they develop themselves to their peers.

The Web Ranger program is open to students between the ages of 14 - 17 - the key is the ability to creatively communicate the message of staying safe online within their communities.

If you fit the above description - you can apply here. The best 3 creative ideas/projects submitted will be selected to implement their projects, and will also go home with Fabulous prizes. The project owners will also be appointed as the 2016 WebRangers Ambassadors for Nigeria while getting access to other enabling opportunities. 

For more information and enquiries about the Safer Internet Nigeria programme, please visit Safer Internet Nigeria or send an email to saferinternetng@gmail.com

What are you waiting for? Sign up now!

See more pictures from the event below  :

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