Nakyia Whitty's wedding photos went viral online after she
posted photos of herself and her bridesmaids all wearing their natural hair
on her big day.
Last week Nakyia, 27, shared
photos from her big day on Instagram but never expected the positive
reaction she received from other users from around the world who quickly
fell in love with their natural hair..
Nakyia said on Instagram: “I have had
people share with me how they are or were afraid to wear their natural
hair out and I’ve given them some sort of boost to want to wear their
God given tresses.
“I would just like to say that I
honestly was just getting married with who and what I love and
appreciate in mind for MY photo album. MY memories. MY big day.”
no way was I ever thinking I would be seen by or touch so many, but in
light of believing that God makes no mistakes, I want to let everyone
know how blessed I feel to be a blessing to so many.
it be by wedding inspiration, self esteem boosts, or if I’ve handed off
a little courage to wear your natural tresses and own it, or even if
you just felt like I made the #blackgirlmagic stick sparkle a little
brighter, I am genuinely and humbly honoured.”
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