Remember the groom who burst into tears as his bride walked down the
aisle to him? Anna Deku has revealed via instagram that they both dated
for four years and waited till marriage to have sex. Below is what she
shared on Instagram five days ago:
We live in a "try before you buy" world. A world where we are told to do
whatever makes us "happy" in the short term. A world where having
self-control is a bad thing. A world where we can somehow get the result
without going through the process.
I remember in my last relationship, when I decided to stop having sex, I
was able to clearly see the negative attributes I wasn't seeing before.
Some of you are in relationships that you shouldn't be in but the sex
gives you a false sense of intimacy and connection that wouldn't be
there if you weren't having sex.
People think we follow rules but we follow our Father who loves us more
than we love each other. We choose to submit to our creator who knows us
better than we know ourself and it has been so worth it. The depth of
conversations, the way we resolve arguments, the foundation of our
relationship. All established before the sex"
"If someone told me 4 years ago that me and my future husband would be waiting until marriage to have sex, I would have been on the floor laughing lol! But all things are definitely possible through Christ.
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