The twins co-joined at the abdominal area were
born at UNTH, Enugu last year. The parents of the girls had cried out
after their birth, requesting for help in raising funds needed for their
medication and surgical operation to separate them. The news later
took another turn when their mother Mrs Mary Ayeni cried out for
help after the hospital allegedly insisted that they will be the ones to carry out the operation to separate the twins...
The parents of the twins had asked the hospital for scan
sheets and medical documents so the babies could be transferred to a
better hospital that has good medical facilities and expertise to ensure
safe surgery, but the hospital refused, claiming they can successfully
carry out the surgery as they had done it in the 80's.
The news hit the media and after outrage was expressed,
UNTH Enugu apologised for not communicating well and for other mishaps
that occurred along the way. They also agreed to assist in sending out
records to interested hospitals.
The Ayeni twins (Miracle and Testimony), accompanied by their parents have now landed in New York for surgery.">
Photo Credit: IG | flyarikair
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