Photo: Update on the four-year-old boy mutilated by his step-mother in Kano


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Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Photo: Update on the four-year-old boy mutilated by his step-mother in Kano

Musa, the 21 month old boy who was a victim of domestic violence in Kano, is gradually recovering from the physical attack on him by his wicked step  mother. She had cut his tongue, broke his arms and legs, damaged his right eye and castrated him with a blade. However, the little boy is reportedly now getting better. According to the foundation;

"Musa, our dear Musa is getting better. He has started eating solid food (Mashed Noodles and Pasta), he has started moving his limbs and he calls his music mother (Mama). Musas father, grand mother and step mother still insist that he was attacked by evil spirits.

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  • Funny thing is they can't get their story straight, he went on air and announced that Musas condition was caused by "EPILEPSY".... Seriously?!!!!!!! Epilepsy broke your sons limbs, cut off his genitalia, cut off his tongue, his eyes, ears and feet? Mallam Murtala please stop lying to yourself. The police questioned Musas mother today 31st May 2016 and have assured her that the case will be forwarded to the court tomorrow 1st June 2016. Musas mother (Bilkisu) got all the donations sent to Angels of hope foundations account for Musa, she thanked the donors and asked that we all should pray for the health of her son and thanks everyone for their support. Angels of hope foundation is still doing it's very best to ensure the comfort of Musa and his mother. The Foundation is yet to meet his sister Aisha."
    Photo Credit: Instagram | angelsofhopefoundation

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