Muhammed Ali’s burial holds Friday, family announces


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Sunday, 5 June 2016

Muhammed Ali’s burial holds Friday, family announces

 Boxing Champ, Muhammad Ali, who died on Saturday, June 4, will be buried in his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky, on Friday, June 10, surrounded by the people who knew and loved him best and a world inspired by his life and career. 

A family spokesperson said in a news conference on Saturday that the funeral will be held at the KFC Yum! Center at 2 p.m. local time and will be open to the public. Former President Bill Clinton, Billy Crystal and Bryant Gumbel will give eulogies. 

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  • There will also be a procession throughout Louisville and fans will be able to stream the service online, People reports.

    "Muhammad's extraordinary boxing career only encompasses half his life. The other half was committed to carrying a message of peace and inclusion to the world. Following his wishes, his funeral will reflect those principals and will be a celebration open to everyone," spokesman Bob Gunnelll said Saturday.

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