Football star Lionel Messi's tax fraud trial began yesterday in Spain and the
trial is expected to last till Thursday when the football star will
appear in court.
Messi and his father
Jorge Messi, who manages his financial affairs, are accused of
defrauding the Spanish government of more than €4m (£3m; $4.
5m) between 2007 and 2009.
5m) between 2007 and 2009.
The Police authorities allege that the two used tax havens in Belize and Uruguay to conceal earnings from image rights.
to Messi's lawyers, the footballer isn't aware of anything that happens
with his finances and should be cleared of any wrongdoing, but the tax
authorities who want large fines and a prison sentence for the
footballer say that Messi can't claim ignorance with regards to his
financial affairs as his father, Jorge, heads his management team.
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