wife of 15 months filed for divorce on May 22nd and now everyone has an
opinion about the 52 year old legendary actor. Below is what UK Daily
Mail's Editor-at-Large, Pierce Morgan thinks...
Dear John(ny), It’s time for an intervention. As your latest marriage, to actress Amber Heard, collapses in ugly high-profile divorce after just 15 months, your moment of reckoning has arrived. We don’t know each other, but I feel like I know you better than perhaps you currently know yourself. The problem with being a movie star of such magnitude is that it’s often very easy to disappear up inside the self-adulatory bowels of one’s own ‘genius’.
We’re a year apart in age – you’re 52, I’m 51 - but we’re a world apart in every other way.You look in the mirror each morning, and you see Johnny Depp, impossibly handsome, absurdly sexy, ludicrously gifted, hugely popular global star.I look in the mirror each morning, and see Piers Morgan, sadly lurking at a slightly different end of the impossibly handsome, absurdly sexy, ludicrously gifted, hugely popular global star spectrum.So I get it, I can see why it must be bloody difficult to be even vaguely normal when every man you meet wants to go for a beer with you, and every woman wants to go to bed with you.The sheer volume of painfully sycophantic guff which must spew your way in every waking hour of the day would tip most of us over the edge of humility.You go to Starbucks and everyone sighs, faints or just stands, glass-eyed and paralysed, reciting the words ‘It’s Johnny f**ing Depp!’ over and over like a demented love-struck robot.But the problem with fame on your level is it often becomes poisonously corrosive.It takes your soul and crushes it into a broken slab of deadened vacuity.When you can have sex with whomever you like and party with your fellow louche heroes like Keith Richards, Marilyn Manson and the late Hunter S Thompson whenever you desire, the fun of real life ceases to exist.No more thrill of the chase, no more joy in the quiet, solid friendship of somebody non-famous.I remember when you played the older, LSD-addled Thompson in the movie of his iconic book, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and he told you after seeing it, “it was like an eerie trumpet call over a lost battlefield.”That’s going to be you, Johnny, if you’re not very, very careful; an aimless bugler looking back with nothing but regret for what he should and could have done to win the battle of life.I’ve no idea what happened between you and Amber, and I don’t care.
I could sense it was doomed from the moment I saw that pathetic video
you released after the now infamous dog-smuggling case in Australia.
joint thespian egos conspired to secretly bring your Yorkshire terriers
Pistol and Boo on your private jet into a country which has had big
problems with rabies.
The punishment for ‘normal’ people in such cases is rightly draconian: a heavy fine and prison sentence of up to ten years.
Amber was charged with various offences, you joked you’d killed your
dogs and eaten them ‘under direct orders from some kind of sweaty
big-gutted man from Australia.
Despite this appalling, justice-mocking arrogance, she escaped with a $1000 fine and a one-month ‘good behaviour’ bond.
than be eternally grateful to Australia’s star-worshipping judges, you
instead chose to mock them again by filming a self-promoting parody
apology with Amber.
I didn’t find it funny.
just saw a pair of insincere fakes being insincere fakes. Carry that
theme into a marriage and the words ‘happy ever after’ seem highly
What I did laugh at, though, was your ridiculous voice.
You were born in Kentucky and raised in Florida. Where the hell did that absurd, slow-talking baritone drawl come from?
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