GOLD!! Adekunle Gold Unveils Artwork For New Album, Drops In July


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Friday, 27 May 2016

GOLD!! Adekunle Gold Unveils Artwork For New Album, Drops In July

Orente Crooner, Adekunle Gold, is set to drop his ‘Gold‘ plated album.
The YBNL singer, who revealed a couple of days ago that his highly anticipated album will now be released in July due to the Ramadan holidays, has unveiled the artwork for the new album.
He tweeted about the album and the artwork writing: I have Bn working tirelessly to bring y’all this greatness that is GOLD. Finally it(album) drops in July

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  • Can you read what's written?

  • See Artwork below:- 

    Adekunle Gold Album Art
     What do you think about the Artwork?

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