Despite court injunction, NLC in Edo state says it will go on with the strike action


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Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Despite court injunction, NLC in Edo state says it will go on with the strike action

The Nigeria Labor Congress (NLC), Edo state Chapter, says it will go on with the Labor Union planned strike action scheduled for tomorrow May 18th.

This decision comes despite the court order secured by the Federal government at the National Industrial Court, restraining the NLC and all its affiliates from embarking on any strike.‎‎ Speaking with journalists in Benin city today, the state chairman of the NLC, Emmanuel Ademokun, described the court ruling as a black market injunction.

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  • “That order was a black market injunction and we are not going to abide by it. The strike will commence on Wednesday. As regard the Industrial court, we have never respected the order. The court restrained us from using the stadium. Oshiomhole was then the leader. We are going ahead to implement the strike and a directive has already been given from the national headquarters that the strike commences on Wednesday. There is no going back,” he said

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