A reddit user Beersie_McSlurrp shared a story of how he was shocked
to receive an email from his dad who had died two years
ago. The E-Mail message was sent using the
FutureMe site, which allows users to send emails to their future selves
or to other people.
The man told his son that he
"always said I will come back and haunt you", and opened the email with
the line: "Hello Son, I am talking to you from the grave, wooooooooo."
wrote: "Seriously, by the time you read this, I will have passed on.
Hopefully by now you have adjusted well enough to life without the old man and you have managed to help your mother adjust.
Hopefully by now you have adjusted well enough to life without the old man and you have managed to help your mother adjust.
"I have complete confidence you will be taking just as good care of her
as I did. I have a few thoughts to share with you and a few
insights which we never got around to discussing in the last few months
where I was still coherent (I’m imagining the morphine will have turned
me into a bit of a vegetable.)
"Hopefully I entertained you with some decent hallucinations or jibber jabber).
"The first thing I want to say is just how proud I am..."
Reddit user Beersie_McSlurrp said that it "gets personal" from then on.
posted on the Reddit, "He told me how proud he was of me for becoming
the rank of Chief (border security) and that he loved me. Really nice to
receive so long after he passed."
FutureMe says on its website: "Usually, it's the future that will
reflect back on the present. We decided to flip that around. So send
your future self some words of inspiration. Or maybe a swift kick in the
just share some thoughts on where you'll or what you'll be up to in a
year, three years...more? And then we'll do some time travel magic and
deliver the letter to you."
Source: MirrorUK
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