Photos: Pregnant woman caught by bullets allegedly fired by soldiers during the rerun election in Rivers State


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Sunday, 27 March 2016

Photos: Pregnant woman caught by bullets allegedly fired by soldiers during the rerun election in Rivers State

A pregnant woman identified as Mrs Nzugha was reportedly hit by bullets fired by the military during the March 19 rerun election in Nonwa, in Tai Local Government Area of Rivers State. Below are more of her photos and details shared by (Rivers Rerun) on Facebook

Justice for Citizen Nzugha
"On the morning of Saturday March 19, 2016, men of the Nigerian Army were said to snatch ‪#‎riversrerun‬ election materials at Nonwa in Tai Local Government Area of Rivers State in a bid to doctor election results in favour of the APC.
They were met with stiff resistance by the people of Tai. To scare the resilient voters and have their way, the army shot sporadically in the air with reckless abandon.
A pregnant woman, N'baby Nzugha, was on her way to her polling unit to exercise her franchise. She was one of those caught by the bullets of the military.
No Nigerian citizen deserves to be maltreated or even killed for exercising constitutionally guaranteed rights. We want ‪#‎JusticeForCitizenNzugha‬. It could have been anyone of us.
Please share and draw the world's attention to the drifting pace of Nigeria's democracy"

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