Mum blasts smiling Brit who took photo with EgyptAir hijacker


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Thursday, 31 March 2016

Mum blasts smiling Brit who took photo with EgyptAir hijacker

The 26 year old British man, Ben Innes, who posed for the picture with EgyptAir hijacker, Seif Eldin Mustafa and claimed he took 'the ultimate selfie' arrived home to a scolding from his mother who saw the picture online after it went viral.
She said: "I don’t know why you did it. I just want us to go home," the Sun reports.

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  • Mr Innes told The Sun newspaper:
    "Mum was very upset seeing me, but I made it safe and sound.  "The past two days have been crazy, unbelievable. But I’m here now and things can get back to normal. I’ll be relaxing at home with Mum."
    Ben could also face a questioning from his bosses at Aberdeen-based oil and gas drilling firm TWMA.
    A spokeswoman told the newspaper: “We’re interested in finding out the circumstances.
    “We have been in communication with Ben and his family, to support both throughout Tuesday’s events.”

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