The lettuce was served on the tables of Persian kings in the 6th century o.n. e. The ancient Greeks and Romans considered it the food and drug (sleeping), and the ancient Chinese believed to bring good luck and ate it on special occasions.
1. Lettuce is low in calories, only 12 in one cup, and almost no fat. Therefore, Lettuce recommended for people who want to lose weight.
2. It contains fiber and cellulose that will fill you up and improve digestion. Helping digestion, lettuce you to “long term” and helps to get rid of excess weight, or to maintain a normal
weight. Fiber also helps in the removal of salts of bile acids from the body. When the body supersedes the salt dissolves cholesterol at the same time, this is because lettuce is good for the heart.
3. A green salad is good for the heart because vitamin C and beta-carotene it contains, preventing oxidation of cholesterol, which in turn prevents the formation of plaque in the arteries.
4. Of the total number of calories in lettuce, 20% from protein. The protein content can be increased by combination with normal protein, for example, from leguminous plants.
5. Lettuce contains laktukarijum (white liquid that is visible when cut sheets). This substance has properties similar opujumu, but without strong counterfeits. Therefore lettuce working on
relaxation and good sleep, but people suffering from insomnia encouraged to eat before going to bed a few leaves of lettuce or drain it and drink the juice of lettuce.
6. Minerals lettuce help to cleanse the body of tokisina and maintain the balance of acids and bases. This affects the balance that you have more energy, think more clearly, sleep better and have a shiny and smooth skin.
7. Lettuce has a low glycemic index, so it is recommended to diabetics.
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